Wednesday 15 December 2010

Synoptic Day

Finally the day has come... It synoptic day and in my case filming day! From last year I decided this day was best day to try and get all my final filming done! Well not all at least MOST and it actually went to plan... I had tired and tested the shots out before-hand so I had practice on how exactly I wanted to shoot them. Everything was going to plan all my actors and actresses were available surprisingly and I decided on who I wanted to use in my film before unlike last year where it was a last minute thing (although some turned up late it did in fact give me a chance to sort other things out like props etc). Baring in mind some had lessons I decided to film the part of Sana who plays the extremist first as she had frees in the morning.

The photos I had taken were not the one I actually wanted so I planed to retake some photos however this did not go to plan. Filming took up the whole day and 5:30pm; I was STILL filming parts of the detective bits.

So after continuous reshoots and bossing around I managed to turn my good friends into enemies well almost... but good things come to those who work hard-I got all the shots I wanted done. However, I decided I wanted to shoot some shots with female and male character again as the intimacy between the two was not quite how I wanted it. Now I was thinking editing!

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Great- it Snow :-(

All I need snow, guess I'm stuck at home, wanted to finish taking some more pictures and prehaps start my test shooting for my trailer.. but we can't have it all. will just stay in and carry on with mock ups.

Saturday 13 November 2010

Pictures I could use... or not

I was thinking of using this picture for my poster where the lead male protagonist is looking bewildered but then this is the effect I want for my female protagonist, so I might just not use this.

These are some of the pictures I took- which I could possibly use for my poster...

Here are just some of the many different shots I took of Krishna who plays the detective; I am in the process of deciding whether or not to include him in the background of my poster.

Thursday 11 November 2010

Research on Institutions

Miramax produce and distribute international movies, although they are subsidiary of the Walt Disney Company it is considered as an independent and doesn’t have to get Disney’s permission on distribution and production.
mainstream Hollywood, Miramax is renowned for making non high concept movies which basically are not films that are summed up in twenty words or easily classified.
Films like Gladiator we know its going to be about Romans and the gore and gutsy decapitation of these fighters (the blood and guts are explicitly shown) so these mainstream films are easily
self explanatory. International Independent films are not easily labelled like mainstream which are easily categorised as action, chick flick etc.
Being independent we do not have the funding for special effects and explosions these cost huge amounts. The audience is dealing with the characters feelings etc and there is no good or bad like mainstream movies have an establishing baddy and goody. Here the audience is allowed to choose who is good or bad. No human behaviour or human journey is explored, it is too commercial; too in your face and the woman is the object of gaze in Hollywood etc. My story will be a journey of love and human feelings plus politics plus other issues; it is not telling the audience what to believe.

Sunday 7 November 2010


The sound I am thinking of using is called Breakfree from as it fits into the build up of intentisty I am looking to achieve in my teaser trailer... however this may be subject to change. I am also considering the use of voice over.

Tuesday 2 November 2010


Zihad is set against the backdrop of global terrorism/post 9-11 and the 7-7 bombing. Zara Khan is a popular well established science teacher in a local comprehensive girl’s school; with a traumatic past she manages to escape war torn Afghanistan. Just when her life begin to become normal it dramatically changes one day with the arrival of a new ICT technician; Hasan Ali – in time their love begins to blossom.

Both live two separate lives and are totally oblivious of each others- as the story unfolds we find out Hassan is not a ICT technician at all, how will Zara deal with such a deceit? That the man she loves is in fact her enemy. With the new arrival of professor Sheik a soon to be peaceful demonstration against terrorism turns nasty- will the instigator be caught... will love conquer all?

Tuesday 12 October 2010


A teaser trailer is a quick trailer used to promote an forthcoming film, television program, video game or similar, usually released well advance of the product, so it is there to "tease" the audience. To establish movie and location, answering questions such as: Where does this film takes place? What is setting? It immediately establishes the characters- we get a hint about who the significant character’s are and who are not; principles of the story who are they? We begin to decide why we like them? As it emphasises on funny/likeable characteristics etc. Towards the middle the first major plot device is ravelled the story begins to roll. There is this build up in action and intensity until rapidly paced clips collide into an ultimate knock out blow at this point (being only a teaser) it should allow the audience to decide whether they would do more research on it and possibly want to watch...the ending should leave the audiences saying a film they want to see.

Firstly teaser trailers are inclined to start with the production/distribution companies logo which immediately signifies that what your about to see is going to be high/low budget or even sometimes preference of a particular production/distribution companies.

There is always a certification alerts to indicate the target audience of the film.

To publicise the film more teaser trailers may assert the names of cast and crewmembers, who will be commonly notorious and in turn draw in audiences products they have been in before or produced, directed etc. May use this opportunity to introduce and promote new talents.

A variety of other ways are used across film teaser trailers; this may include the use of nominations, awards and highly recommended reviews such as Oscars, Baftas etc. These methods assist in drawing in an audience, particularly if these reviews are from a reliable source indicating the production will almost certainly be of a high standard. However this may not be necessary in certain movies or film industries for example in Bollywood cinema the star persona is ALL important!

Many teaser trailers include inter textual reference; these are slight inclusions of similar themes to a film, or text that the production has been influenced by for example

A semiotic tool which is used in teaser trailers is narrative mystery and I think it a crucial tool for promoting and selling the product that the teaser trailer is representing. As viewers of the trailer will want to have their questions answered; the only solution is to go and watch this movie.

The release date usually appears at the end of the teaser trailer, after the effects and marketing methods have been used. The date is incredible integral as without this date the audience will be oblivious of when they will be able to view this production.

Editing is one of the chief points that move around trailers, fast paced editing is incorporated with numerous different camera angles, to keep the viewers of the clip enticed; as one continuous shot through out wouldn’t give a sense of uncertainty that is associated with teaser trailers.


The clips that are chosen to be included into the teaser trailer are also one of the vital aspects in making a teaser trailer; clips need to be chosen that give away only certain amount of the narrative yet insuring not much of the plot if given away.

Audio is just as vital as visual in when it come to conventions that are found in teaser trailers. Non-diegetic music usually comes in before the clip this is to help affix the genre of the film.

Voiceovers are also used in trailers to dictate what is going on throughout. Stereotypically a deep male voice is used in action genre to create a higher sense of excitement however if a female voiceover was used it wouldn’t have the same affect as this trailer is advertising a action movie. Yet would suit a romantic comedy perfectly.

Thursday 7 October 2010

Teaser Trailer Research

Sequencing Of Teaser Trailer:-

 Production and Distribution Company,
 Text (these can keep coming up in between as well as voice over),
 Establishing characters,
 Short clips of the narrative,
 Climax- building up the intensity of music,
 Cliff hanger/ confusing ending.

Audience Research

As part of my audience research I asked the following question to collate and gain some ideas prior to my final production idea; I obtained these results through a number of different methods including social networking sites and giving out questionnaires.

Audience Research:- Questionnaire.

1. What is your gender?


2. How old are you?


3. What particular genre of film trailer would you like to see created?

Romantic comedy

4. In your opinion what do you regard as the ideal time length for the teaser trailer?

30 seconds
30 seconds to 1 minute
1-2 minutes
2-3 minutes

5. Do you think music should be consisted in the background of the trailer?


6. If your response to the previous question was yes, what type of music should be consisted?


7. When considering a perfect teaser trailer what elements would you prefer to be included?

Slow paced a gentle introduction to the movie
A quick sneak preview of some of the narrative and the characters
No preference

8. Would you like in the teaser trailer to….

Introduce the characters
Show the action scenes
Give away some of the narrative
Be a cliff-hanger
Totally confuse you

9. How much of the basic storyline do you think should be given away?

None of it
A small part of it
The whole storyline
No preference

10. What elements do you look for in a good film?(Circle up to 2)

An interesting plot
Comedy sequences
Action sequences
Scary scenes
Real life situations
Relationships between characters.

11 .Which of the following magazine front covers would persuade you purchase it?

12.Which one of the posters do you find most engaging?