Thursday 11 November 2010

Research on Institutions

Miramax produce and distribute international movies, although they are subsidiary of the Walt Disney Company it is considered as an independent and doesn’t have to get Disney’s permission on distribution and production.
mainstream Hollywood, Miramax is renowned for making non high concept movies which basically are not films that are summed up in twenty words or easily classified.
Films like Gladiator we know its going to be about Romans and the gore and gutsy decapitation of these fighters (the blood and guts are explicitly shown) so these mainstream films are easily
self explanatory. International Independent films are not easily labelled like mainstream which are easily categorised as action, chick flick etc.
Being independent we do not have the funding for special effects and explosions these cost huge amounts. The audience is dealing with the characters feelings etc and there is no good or bad like mainstream movies have an establishing baddy and goody. Here the audience is allowed to choose who is good or bad. No human behaviour or human journey is explored, it is too commercial; too in your face and the woman is the object of gaze in Hollywood etc. My story will be a journey of love and human feelings plus politics plus other issues; it is not telling the audience what to believe.

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