Wednesday 15 December 2010

Synoptic Day

Finally the day has come... It synoptic day and in my case filming day! From last year I decided this day was best day to try and get all my final filming done! Well not all at least MOST and it actually went to plan... I had tired and tested the shots out before-hand so I had practice on how exactly I wanted to shoot them. Everything was going to plan all my actors and actresses were available surprisingly and I decided on who I wanted to use in my film before unlike last year where it was a last minute thing (although some turned up late it did in fact give me a chance to sort other things out like props etc). Baring in mind some had lessons I decided to film the part of Sana who plays the extremist first as she had frees in the morning.

The photos I had taken were not the one I actually wanted so I planed to retake some photos however this did not go to plan. Filming took up the whole day and 5:30pm; I was STILL filming parts of the detective bits.

So after continuous reshoots and bossing around I managed to turn my good friends into enemies well almost... but good things come to those who work hard-I got all the shots I wanted done. However, I decided I wanted to shoot some shots with female and male character again as the intimacy between the two was not quite how I wanted it. Now I was thinking editing!

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Great- it Snow :-(

All I need snow, guess I'm stuck at home, wanted to finish taking some more pictures and prehaps start my test shooting for my trailer.. but we can't have it all. will just stay in and carry on with mock ups.